Edyoucore Finfit Branding
Edyoucore engaged Seaberry to develop a name, logo, branding, and marketing collateral for the company’s exclusive offering to athletes and entertainers looking for an honest read of their financial health. There were two main requirements: the brand should nestle neatly inside of the overall Edyoucore brand, and the logo must be fun, active, and reflective of the company’s emphasis on financial fitness.
Seaberry conducted branding and naming workshops, and a focus group with Edyoucore executives and spokespersons. The workshops positioned the new brand within the overall Edyoucore brand landscape and helped the company settle on a name, Finfit, for the product offering. The final Finfit logo is fun and active — relying on a lowercase font and line to represent movement along the road to financial fitness. Seaberry provided still and animated versions of the logo along with brand guidelines, a PowerPoint presentation and design of the final Finfit report.

Colorful. Cultured. Creative.
Contact us
2000 P Street NW
Suite 505 Washington,
DC 20036